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How to Perform Maintenance on a Garage Door

A garage door is one of the largest moving parts in a home and is used multiple times a day. It works perfectly if all of its components operate harmoniously. But its regular use, weather conditions, and friction among moving parts decrease its performance. However, like any other piece of equipment, it also needs maintenance from time to time to keep it working well. So, to keep your door operating efficiently for years to come, it is vital to take the time to perform regular preventive care and maintenance. With the right preventive maintenance, you can avoid the breakdowns and costly repairing and keep your garage door running smoothly. If you are also a homeowner who is searching for ‘how to perform maintenance on a garage door’, here are some useful garage door maintenance tips for you.

Check Your Door Regularly for Unusual Sounds: To keep your garage door in tip-top condition, it is vital to keep an eye and ear out for any unusual sounds like slow rising, visible straining/jerking, or scrapes or squeaks. If these signs are not taken care of on time, they could lead to major repair.

Lubricate Moving Parts Time to Time: A small amount of lubrication works well to prevent the noise and keep your garage door operating smoothly. Keeping your garage door parts (like chains, rollers, screws, pulleys, and hinges) greased up will add years of operation to your system.

Examine the Hardware: As a garage door opens and closes several times a day, thus it is common for its hardware to loosen with the passage of time. So, as a homeowner, you are advised to inspect your garage door on time and tighten its loose nuts and bolts to let it work smoothly.

Check the Door Balance: A garage door works on the principle of proper counterbalance to allow easy opening and operating. So, it is important to check the door’s balance regularly by pulling your garage door opener’s handle and opening the door halfway up. If it creeps up or down, that means the door is not balanced properly and you should call the professional to get it tightened.

Clean the Door Surface Regularly: To keep your garage door properly maintained, you are advised to keep your garage door clean. Inspect the door surface regularly to check if it shows any signs of insect damage. If your garage door is of wooden material, it should be wiped down with a dry cloth. If your garage door is of vinyl or other synthetic material, you should wash it with a soft cloth and a cleaner.

Regular door maintenance can save a homeowner’s hundreds of dollars in repairs. That’s why it is recommended that homeowners must maintain their doors from time to time by following the above-mentioned tips in order to avoid costly repairs and replacements. If you don’t have time to do these check-ups by own, you should call the garage door professionals of Precise Garage Doors Services to schedule a service call.